New Delhi: WhatsApp has recently issued a notification, which was received by millions of Indian users, for its upcoming global roll-out for over 2 billion users. The messaging service app's new Terms of Service and privacy policy, which will come into effect on February 8, has asked users to either accept the changes or their accounts will be deleted.


Zee News has launched a poll on its Twitter page to know the reaction of people to the new Terms of Service and privacy policy of WhatsApp. The news channel asked, "Would you be willing to accept the updated WhatsApp privacy policy?"

You will be surprised to know that over 74 per cent have responded against the upcoming policy of WhatsApp, while merely around 25 per cent are in favour of it (Till the filing of this report).

According to the policy updates, "WhatsApp must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customise, support, and market our Services, including when you install, access, or use our Services." 

It further reads, "Businesses you interact with using our Services may provide us with information about their interactions with you. We require each of these businesses to act in accordance with applicable law when providing any information to us."