New Delhi: NTPC Limited has invited applications from experienced professionals for various Executive posts on a fixed-term basis. Interested candidates can apply on the official NTPC website at The last day to apply for NTPC vacancies is June 17, 2022. The NTPC recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 4 vacancies.

NTPC Recruitment 2022: Vacancy details


Executive (Corporate Communication):  2 posts

Executive (Ash Management): 1 post

Executive (Operation & IT): 1 post

NTPC Recruitment 2022: Remuneration

Executive (Corporate Communication): Rs 1,50,000 per month

Executive (Ash Management): Rs 90,000 per month

Executive (Operation & IT): Rs 90,000 per month

NTPC Recruitment 2022: Age limit

Executive (Corporate Communication):  45 years (upper age limit)

Executive (Ash Management):  35 years (upper age limit)

Executive (Operation & IT): 35 years (upper age limit)

NTPC Recruitment 2022: Application fees

Candidates from General/ EWS/OBC categories will have to pay a non-refundable registration fee of Rs 300. No fees are required to be paid by SC/ST/PwBD/XSM category and female candidates. 

NTPC Recruitment 2022: Selection process

Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Exam/Interview. Selected candidates will have to undergo Medical exam before joining. 

Read the detailed notification HERE.

ALSO READDDA Recruitment 2022: Apply for 279 Junior Engineer, Assistant Director and other posts on