KANNUR: Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday alleged discrimination by the Centre towards the state in the aftermath of cyclone 'Ockhi'.


Addressing party workers at Pinarayi, his home town, Vijayan said prime minister Narendra Modi had called the Tamil Nadu chief minister and enquired about the situation, but did not call the Kerala CM.

"Isn't it discrimination that the Prime Minister called the Tamil Nadu chief minister to enquire about the cyclone and did not respond in a similar manner to Kerala?," he asked.

The chief minister alleged that the Centre's attitude towards the CPI-M led government was exposed through this act.

Vijayan, under Opposition attack for the manner in which the rescue operations were handled, also said a section of the media was spreading false news about the state government.

Referring to reports that the state's plans to purchase?two bullet proof cars for the chief minister, he said the vehicles were for use of VVIPs who visit the state.

"It is not for me. But, the propaganda is that it is for me," he said.

"Even before I assumed office as chief minister, I had faced threats. I do not want any special security now which I did not have then," Vijayan added.