The monsoon arrives in the nation, the relaxing and cooling waves bring joy and a feeling of relief that washes the heat of summer but while enjoying these cold shovers of the rainy season we should take care that the monsoon brings the breeding ground of bacteria, infections, germs, fungi, and other various pathogens. The acidic rain and the humidity that comes with monsoons make our bodies susceptible to many diseases and infections. However, we must ensure to take care of our health during the monsoon season because these miniature breeding can not be seen but present in the environment where we breathe. 


Therefore, it is important which food is served on our plates during the monsoon weather if we are entering a well-balanced healthy nutritious diet while enjoying the refreshing breeze. Not only food and the environment but drinking contaminated water also increases the risk of entering the germs in our bodies, thus results to weaken the human immune system. Rain may also increase allergy symptoms including dust allergy, allergic asthma, fungal infections, and ringworms. 

1 Consume Seasonal Fruits 

Eat seasonal fruits including mango, watermelon, litchi, jamun, banana, pear, and more. These fruits are packed with minerals and vitamins that contribute to boosting the immune system and reducing the risk of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and dengue for those fruits that have low water content. Seasonal; fruits such as oranges, guavas, and pomegranates are packed in vitamin C, fiber, and essential antioxidants that help in the production of white blood cells which help to fight against infections. Whereas, antioxidants protect human cells from damage and promote healthy gut health. 

2 Intake Fresh And Light Foods

Consumption of hard food or contaminated foods that contain bacteria and toxins can cause stomach infections including gastrointestinal issues. Whereas fresh or light food can easily be digested and reduce the chance of infections. Add ginger to your diet which is a great source of minerals, vitamins, iron, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc. Gingers help your body fight against common illnesses such as flu or cold which monsoon brings. 

3 Steamed And Green Leafy Vegetables 

Raw vegetables if not washed properly may carry harmful viruses and bacteria that can contribute to stomach infections, include steamed food or salads instead of raw salad because steamed foods in the cooking process remove the bacteria effectively and are easier to digest. Greeny leafy vegetables contribute to our overall well-being as they are a powerhouse of essential nutrients, Vegetables like Kale or Spinach boost the immune system while lowering the risk of infections. During the monsoon season if you intake healthy green vegetables it helps in vital bodily functions, keeps allergies and illness away, and enhances body energy levels. 

4 Include Probiotics And Bitter Vegetables 

Adding probiotic-rich foods such as almond milk and yogurt aids in better digestion and is essential for optimal gut health. Almond milk is a healthy alternative to plain milk which reduces bloating and indigestion during monsoon while the yogurt’s ability to reduce gastronomical infections makes it a must to add to your daily diet. Bitter vegetables such as bitter guard or herbs such as turmeric, neem, and fenugreek seeds contribute to strengthening the immune system and reducing the symptoms of allergies. 

5 Proper Hydration
Hydration is the key to keeping your body free from dehydration. Add warm or hot liquids such as herbal tea with ginger and mint and warm water, it promotes better gut health and antibacterial properties enhance your immunity. 

During monsoon staying healthy is not about incorporating a healthy diet rather it is about maintaining cleanliness around you. Wash hands properly before eating foods ensure to wash vegetables properly before cooking and keep your body hydrated with safe drinking water. 
Disclaimer - This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals