As per “Flight Experts”, long flights are of majorly 8 hours, i.e., flights more than of 8 hours are considered ultra long flights. 


Flights can be very tight in terms of space and boring. So, here are some tips on how to get through long flights with utmost efficiency.


1. Pack smartly and strategically:

On a long flight a person gets bored and might end up sleeping. So it is best to carry a hoodie with yourself on the plane as it also warms you up in the cold A/C. You might also want to carry a toothbrush and toothpaste to remain fresh of any mouth odour. 

You can also carry any ipad/laptop with your favourite series/movies downloaded for your entertainment.

2. Try to sleep on the flight:

The long flights are very boring and you might want to spend that time by sleeping as it will relax you and you might feel fresh when you reach the destination. You might like to put on an eye mask and noise cancelling headphones and a travel pillow to get utmost comfortability in the plane. 

3. Hydration:

When you are so much above the sea level, in the sky, our skin and body begins to get dry which might cause irritation and uncomfortability. So keep hydrating yourself throughout your flight. Also bring lip balms, moisturizer and nasal sprays too to hydrate the body parts too.

4. Keep yourself moving:

Keep yourself moving in between the flights. This is to prevent the stiffness in the body and keep the blood moving. Long flights and small legroom might get your legs to swell and get stiff. To avoid this you should keep yourself moving by going to the washroom etc. Make sure to book an aisle seat so that you don’t have to disturb the person next to you.