PM Modi meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel, attends private dinner

Zee News May 29, 2017, 23:39 PM IST,

Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Berlin on Monday at the start of his six-day tour of Germany, Spain, Russia and France.

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  • PM Modi signs visitor's book.

    (Pic courtesy - ANI).

  • PM Modi meets and interacts with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at Schloss Meseberg.

  • In an interview to German newspaper 'Handelsblatt' PM Modi said, "Europe has been hit hard by terrorism".

    "To our mind, terrorism is the gravest challenge facing humanity. Europe must play a lead role in developing an effective global response under the aegis of the United Nations to deal with this menace," he addedsaid.

    His remarks assume significance as they come in the wake of a spate of terror attacks that have struck European countries like Germany, France, the UK and Sweden recently. 

  • PM Modi has described terrorism as the "gravest challenge" facing humanity and has urged Europe to play a lead role in developing an effective global response under the aegis of the UN to deal with this menace.

  • The German embassy in Berlin had launched the Make in India Mittelstand (MIIM) Programme in September 2015 to facilitate the German Mittelstand (SMEs) to do business in India.

    Currently 73 German Mittelstand (SMEs) companies are being facilitated through MIIM Programme for their market entry and investment in India.

    Out of these, 46 companies have progressed well in India investment plan, the embassy claims.

  • Germany is the seventh largest foreign direct investor (FDI) in India and the total FDI from April 2000 until December 2016 amounted to USD 9.54 billion.

    A total of 1,800 German companies are operating in India.

  • The India-Germany Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), among India's 23 BITs with EU countries, had lapsed in March this year.

    Trade between the two countries stands at 17.42 billion euros in 2016, up only marginally from 17.33 billion euros the previous year, as per PTI.

  • The PM tweeted upon his arrival:

  • PM has reached Berlin on the first leg of his four-nation tour. 

  • PM Modi had tweeted yesterday:

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a four-nation tour of Germany, Spain, Russia and France.

Berlin: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here on Monday on the first leg of his six-day, four-nation tour of Germany, Spain, Russia and France aimed at boosting bilateral economic engagement with them and inviting more investment for India's transformation.


"Reached Germany. I am sure this visit will lead to beneficial outcomes and deepen India-Germany friendship," PM Modi tweeted in English and German after landing.

Ahead of his visit, PM Modi had said in a Facebook post, "I am confident that this visit will open a new chapter in our bilateral cooperation with Germany and further deepen our strategic partnership."



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