New Delhi: Flush with a clear victory in the Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday sought to brush aside the bitterness of the poll campaign, saying "who said what during the campaign is past for me", and that "we have to look to the future."


Accepting the mandate -- the BJP poised to win 300 seats -- with humility, Modi promised that he will not work with "ill intentions." 

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"The people have filled the bag of this ascetic. I bow my head to 130 crore people of the country," he said, adding he will take his critics along with humility as the Constitution is supreme.

The Prime Minister also said that the importance of the booth level party workers have been understood by all the parties.

Addressing the victory celebration at the party headquarters here, he said the mandate won by the BJP-led coalition was the biggest development in the democratic world and reflected the strength of democracy.

"With bigger mandate comes greater responsibility...I will not do anything with ill-intention and and will do nothing for myself," the Prime Minister said.

"While working, there can be mistakes, but I will not do anything with ill-intention. I will not do anything for myself. And, every second of my time is for the nation alone. Judge me on these parameters and criticise me if I do not measure up. But I want to assure you that whatever I say publicly, I will work to implement it," he said. 

"Who said what during the election campaign is past for me. We have to look to the future. We have to take everyone along in national interest. And despite a majority, we will move with humility," Modi said. 

"In 2014, not many knew me. But you gave me the mandate. But in 2019, you gave me more strength after knowing me. I can understand the sentiment behind this. An increase in trust leads to increase in responsibility," he said.

Promising to take everyone along including the states, Modi said a government is formed by a majority, which has been achieved. "But the nation moves with consensus and a democratic spirit".

Appealing to the people to work towards the prosperity of the country, Modi said, "Let`s make it a movement similar to the one between 1942 and 1947. The spirit of freedom prevailing then should transform into the spirit of prosperity now," he said.

"There used to be a tag, which was frequently used by anyone who wanted to wash out their sins. It was secularism. Between 2014 and 2019, this fake mask of secularism came off," he said.

He referred to inflation and corruption, pet issues during earlier elections, but were not major ones this time. "This is the first election in which there is no charge of corruption against the government even after five years in power," he said. 

He said the platform for the 21st century has been laid out as people have given their mandate. "Going forward India will have only two castes - first is made up of those who are poor and want to rise above; and the second one is of those who make contribution to help the poor. We have to work towards strengthening both the castes," he said.

He said the victory in the Lok Sabha elections was not of Modi. "The victory belongs to the aspirations of the people of the country," he added.

Referring to the opposition parties, Modi said, "I have been saying that this election was not fought by any party, candidate or leader. The citizens of the country were contesting for the nation. And those (opposition) with closed ears could not understand my words. But democracy and the people have won," he said. 

Citing a reference from the Mahabharata, Modi said, "In Lok Sabha elections, 130 crore Indians stood up for India, just like Lord Krishna stood for Hastinapur in Mahabharata." 

"All of us in the BJP and the NDA dedicate this victory to the people of the country," he said.