Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamana on Wednesday in its latest editorial reminded the Narendra Modi government about the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, adding that the construction of the temple should be done soon. This comes within a week after the result of the Lok Sabha election was declared ushering in another term for the Modi government. The mouthpiece also said that the result of the election is the mandate of the people in support of Ram Rajya and Ram Temple. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat had also promised that the work of Lord Ram will definitely be done, it said.


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Hundreds of kar sevaks have sacrificed their lives for the construction of the Ram temple, read the mouthpiece. It also said that the ideology of this government is such that the martyrdom and blood of the kar sevaks will not go in vain. The mouthpiece also said that the Shiv Sena leaders along with its victorious MPs will soon visit Ayodhya. The editorial even compared the swearing-in ceremony of the Prime Minister with the coronation ceremony of Lord Ram. 

Taking a swipe at the Opposition, the editorial compared them to the mythological characters from Ramayana and Mahabharata--Ravana, Vibhishan, and Kamsa. The party also reminded that before the election, the Modi government had clarified that the foundation of the temple will be done in Ayodhya but with the consent of the Supreme Court and according to the law. It said that though it agrees with the role of the apex court, it should also accept the public sentiment or mandate.