Indian indices returned to their pre-budget level on Tuesday (February 4) with the market benchmark Sensex gaining 917 points or 2.30 per cent to close at 40,789.38 points. The Sensex zoomed due to hectic buying across the board as investors looked confident after stability in global markets.


The NSE Nifty advanced 271.75 points, or 2.32 per cent, to close at 11,979.65 points. Titan was the biggest gainer of the day, gaining 7.97 per cent, followed by ITC, HDFC, Bajaj Finance, and Tata Steel. The biggest losers of the day were Bajaj Auto and HUL.

In terms of sector, all the indices closed in the green on Tuesday. According to experts, a positive opening of other Asian stocks too helped Indian indices. 

Earlier on Tuesday, both Sensex and Nifty touched their highest levels since September 23, 2019. Metal stocks were the biggest gainers as their main Nifty sub-index ended 3.32% firmer, while the Nifty financials index closed with a gain of 2.87%.