New Delhi: HMD Global owned Nokia phones have launched a new beta labs services allowing Nokia 8 users to sign up to beta test Android 8.0 Oreo software.


Juho Sarvikas, Chief Product Officer, HMD Global has announced the news on twitter.

"Our growing community of beta testers are the first to receive Android 8.0 Oreo. By testing the software ahead of general release, your feedback will help us create the smoothest and purest Nokia phones experience. To join, all you need is a working Nokia 8," Nokia phone beta labs page said.

Nokia 8 users will have to go to the Nokia phone beta labs page, and sign up with their Google account to be a beta tester for the Android 8.0 Oreo update.

Nokia 8 users will have to register the IMEI number and other detail. Within 12 hours of registration users will get Android 8.0 Oreo software update notification.

The update is rolled out over-the-air.