Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today congratulated Donald Trump on being elected as the US President, saying he looks forward to working with him closely as strong bilateral ties is critical for regional peace and security.


"On behalf of the government and people of Pakistan, and on my own behalf, I wish to extend to you and the people of the US, our most sincere felicitations on your election as the 45th President of the US," Sharif said in his message.

"Your election is indeed the triumph of the American people and their enduring faith in the ideals of democracy, freedom, human rights and free enterprise. Most importantly, your momentous success is a testimony to the confidence that the people of the US have reposed in your leadership, vision and commitment to serve your great country," he said.

Sharif also said that strong relationship between Pakistan and the US was critical for regional peace and security.

"Over the past seven decades, Pakistan and the US have enjoyed a strategic partnership, rooted in the shared ideals of freedom, democracy, mutual respect and commonality of interests.

"Our deep seated conviction that a strong partnership between the two countries remains critical to promoting and sustaining peace, security and stability in the wider region, continue to underpin the resilience in Pak-US ties," he said.

Sharif expressed desire to expand relations with the US under Trump.

"I wish to re-affirm my government's commitment to further strengthening and deepening our relations, in a manner truly reflective of the aspirations of our two nations. I am looking forward to closely working with you, to bring our two countries closer and making our partnership an important vehicle for the realisation of peace, security and prosperity in the region and beyond," he said.

Trump today beat seasoned politician Hillary Clinton in the knife-edge polls, defying the odds to become the 45th US President.