United Nations: Alarmed by prevailing escalation of tensions with India along the Line of Control(LoC), Pakistan told United Nations on Tuesday to play its role to resolve Kashmir issue and help in de-escalating tensions with India.


Pakistan blamed India for closing door on any bilateral engagement and told top United Nations officials that the world has a 'moral responsibility' to settle apprehension with India.

Syed Tariq Fatemi, a special subordinate on Pakistan Foreign Affairs, met UN Secretary General-designate Antonio Guterres, Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson and Under Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffery Feltman during his day-long visit to the city

According to press release issued by Pakistan, Fatemi told the top UN leaders that Indian forces had stepped up ceasefire violations on the Line of Control and the Working Boundary to divert international attention from the alleged human rights atrocities, particularly the targeting of civilians, in Kashmir.

"India had also closed the doors on any bilateral engagement. In this situation, the UN had a moral responsibility to call for ending human rights violations" in Kashmir, "play its role in resolution of this long festering dispute and help in immediately de-escalating tensions", he said, according to the release.

Fatemi, accompanied by Pakistan's Ambassador to the UN Maleeha Lodhi, said, Pakistan expected the United Nation to play its role in ensuring peace and stability in the South Asian region, especially in the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

He said while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had reached out to India and made efforts to develop a mutually beneficial relationship, the efforts were not being reciprocated by New Delhi.

Fatemi had also briefed the UN officials about alleged human rights violations by Indian forces on the Kashmiri people.

He also said, indigenous uprising in Kashmir had led to the killing of over a hundred people and injuries to thousands.

The press release said that the UN leadership called for resumption of dialogue and de-escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan added that  Eliasson expressed concern at the regional situation and called for the lowering of tensions.

On Afghanistan, Fatemi said Pakistan was ready to play its part for peace and stability in the country.