New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has assured the people of Delhi that his government would not allow taxi operators to resort to 'surge pricing' during the phase 2 of odd-even scheme in the national capital.


Kejriwal tweeted:

Earlier in the week, taxi aggregators Ola and Uber suspended surge pricing after Delhi government threatened to cancel permits for charging higher than prescribed fares.

The government took a strong stand on the issue after passengers complained of difficulties in booking cabs as these platforms showed fares to be as high as five times than the normal charge.

The firms faced flak on social media with many commuters severely criticising taxi aggregators surge pricing.

There is also a petition on, a website for activist groups, against the surge pricing, which is a technique used to raise fares to provide drivers the incentive of keeping their cab running while also making it available for the user irrespective of the demand.