New Delhi: Guilty dogs are here to slay, once again! Harley and Loa are two super cute Labrador siblings, who are being given a good talking-to by their human.


Why? Because one of them apparently stole a cookie – gasp – without permission! Now, that's not good-dog behaviour at all!


But what made us fall in love with these cuties, is that they behave typically like human siblings. Remember when we used to rat out our elder or younger brothers or sisters? Yes, the “he did it”, “she did it” blame game that we all used to love playing.

Well, these canine siblings aren't further away from showing us humans the mirror when it comes to putting the blame on their siblings and turning them in if bribed.


But who really did steal the cookie? Let these canine siblings give you the answer. Check out the video below!

(Video courtesy: Harley and Loa Alex Hutchinson)