New Delhi: BJP leader Arun Jaitley Wednesday said the Election Commission (EC) should "concentrate its energies" on checking the "silent booth capturing" and not the speeches being made by political leaders. "A large part of the energies of the EC is being spent in being an ombudsman in the matter of dissecting political speeches," Jaitley said in a blog Wednesday. "The core of the election is a free and fair polling which is being denied through the silent booth capturing. It would be desirable that the EC concentrates its energies in checking this silent booth capturing since that is its principal job," he said. He also said the speeches were just a "side show". "These political speeches at times do cross the `Laxman rekha` (limit). In such cases the person concerned has to be censured. Regrettably most of the air time on television and space in print media reports are being spent in dissecting these controversial speeches. They are at best a side show," he said. While the commission has mastered the art of controlling booth capturing in the last one decade, in the 2014 general election in some states, particularly West Bengal and parts of Uttar Pradesh, silent booth capturing has been witnessed, said Jaitley. "A silent booth capturing is a process where central security forces deployed for election duty are not adequately deployed. The central forces are used for non-essential purposes and polling booths continue to be manned by state police and the Home Guards.... "Once a coercive environment is created around the polling station by the ruling party, the polling agents of the opposition are scared away. Then it is a free for all in favour of the ruling party," Jaitley explained in the blog. `Under which category would corruption in 2G spectrum fall?` Jaitley today hit out at the Congress and asked under which category of politics would the "corruption in 2G spectrum and coal block allocation fall" while retaliating against Priyanka Gandhi Vadra`s "neech rajniti" barb against Narendra Modi. "I wonder in which category of politics or rajneeti will corruption in 2G spectrum, and coal block allocation fall? Will the cash for votes and Adarsh scams be considered as shudh rajneeti (pure politics)," Jaitley blogged. Jaitley`s comments follow Priyanka`s "neech rajniti" (low-level politics) barb against BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. Priyanka attacked Modi Monday saying he had insulted her "martyred" father Rajiv Gandhi, and that the Congress workers in Amethi would give a befitting reply to his "low-level politics". Jaitley added that Congress leaders have used various adjectives like "chaiwala", "gangu teli", "neech rajneeti" and "Hitler" against Modi and yet found nothing wrong in referring to him like that.