Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf on Wednesday asked India to resolve Kashmir issue and help bring peace in the region.
In the last two months in Kashmir, 1,400 people have been killed, Musharraf told a news conference. He said that, unlike the deaths in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is in the media spotlight, deaths in the Kashmir struggle go unreported.
Yet, Musharraf said, that the Israeli-Palestinian and the Kashmir conflicts Are the most important disputes in the world today and must be ended.
“My troops are sitting at 20,000 feet without oxygen today and so are Indian troops, Musharraf said, referring to Siachen glacier, a flash point of the conflict which drains both sides, physically and financially.
“So what are we doing to each other? So let's resolve it,” Musharraf said.
He brushed aside technicalities of the conflict, saying, “Let's not get into semantics .... The end product is that we must resolve disputes and live in a friendly manner for the economic well-being of one of the most impoverished areas of the world.”
Bureau Report