Frogs, rats and earthworms would no longer be killed in school laboratories for biological tests, thanks to a decision of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
The CBSE, in a circular to all the heads of institutions affiliated to it, has notified that all experiments relating to animals in biology practicals in the senior school curriculum had been deleted with immediate effect. "Hence, no questions related to the dissection of animals will be asked in the practical examinations in biology from March 2002 onwards," the circular said, adding that students will perform the alternate experiments already identified and prescribed in the syllabus.
CBSE director (academics) G Balasubramanian said that the decision had not been taken on the spur of moment but had been the outcome of a three-year-old process during which the proposal was examined by a group of subjective experts.
He said that seven alternate activities have been provided to the students and a large number of schools have already gone for the option. He also said that students would not lose anything by not dissecting animals as the alternative activities provide exactly the same psychomotors skills.
"Utmost efforts have been made to make the alternatives as close as possible to the dissection of real animals," Balasubramanian said. He said that dissection of flowers and seeds involved the same skills. Animal rights group which have been campaigning for deletion of dissection from the school curriculum welcomed the CBSE move, saying "it was of no use to anybody."
"It won't affect any student," said Gautam Grover of People for Animal (PFA). Stating that only a small percentage of students take up medicine, he said that it is already banned abroad.
The view is also shared by some school principals. "Students are not going to lose much" due to the CBSE decision, said Father Carwallo, principal of Father Agnel School.
He, however, criticised the CBSE move of notifying it, saying that it amounted to interference. "Students choose biology as subject on their own and there is no logic in the CBSE decision," he said.
"There is too much interference in the lives of people," he added. Biology teachers have a different point of view. "Simulation or alternate ways are not going to serve the purpose. Unless a student performs the dissection with own hands and feels it, he won't have complete knowledge," said a biology teacher.
Balasubramanian differs saying that technology has changed a lot and one can learn about the physiology of animals without actually performing dissection on them.
"The alternatives provided to the students, such as dissection of plants and seeds, involve the same technique as in animals," the CBSE director said.
Bureau Report