New York: Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, first secretary at the Permanent Mission of India in New York Eenam Gambhir flayed Islamabad for misleading their presentation on the situation in the Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that it yet another attempt to divert attention from Pakistan`s continued sponsorship of terrorism.


"Can the representative of Pakistan clarify how is it that terror sanctuaries and safe havens in his country continue to flourish despite the Pakistan army`s much-vaunted counter-terrorism operations, and the billions of dollars of international counter-terrorism aid it obtains? Can the representative of Pakistan confirm that they do not use terrorist proxies and export terrorism as a matter of state policy," Gambhir. 

Continuing to lash out against Pakistan, she called out the representative daring him to deny that Islamabad had assured in 2004 that it would not allow its territories, or territories under its control, to be used for terror attacks against India.

"We have heard today, the views of a dysfunctional state which builds atrocity upon atrocity on its own people, preaching about values of tolerance, democracy, and human rights. We reject entirely these sermons. On the other hand, will the representative of Pakistan deny that the armed forces of his country committed one of the most extensive and heinous genocides in human history in 1971?," she said.

Further calling on the representative of Pakistan to deny that its armed forces have used air strikes and artillery against its own people repeatedly, Gambhir re-iterated External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj`s statement that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India, and will always continue to do so.

Delivering a very strong message to Pakistan at the 71st session of the UNGA, Swaraj said, "My firm advice to Pakistan is: abandon this dream. Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and will always remain so."

Responding to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif`s statements at the UNGA, where he accused India of "committing brutalities in the Kashmir Valley" and hailed Hizbul-Mujahideen terrorists Burhan Wani as a "young leader", Swaraj said "On 21st September, the Prime Minister of Pakistan used this podium to make baseless allegations about human rights violations in my country. I can only say that those accusing others of human rights violations would do well to introspect and see what egregious abuses they are perpetrating in their own country, including in Balochistan. The brutality against the Baloch people represents the worst form of State oppression."

Going hammer and tongs at Pakistan, Swaraj said, "In our midst, there are nations that still speak the language of terrorism, that nurture it, peddle it, and export it. To shelter terrorists has become their calling card. We must identify these nations and hold them to account. These nations, in which UN designated terrorists roam freely, lead processions and deliver their poisonous sermons of hate with impunity, are as culpable as the very terrorists they harbour. Such countries should have no place in the comity of nations."