New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said his government has taken significant steps to check corruption and menace of black money in a short span of time.


While speaking at inauguration of sixth Global Focal Point Conference (GFPC) on Asset Recovery, the Prime Minister asserted, the government's mission is to build a prosperous India and to achieve this objective, it is essential to fight relentlessly against corruption.

"Our mission is to build a prosperous India. To achieve this objective, it is essential to fight relentlessly against corruption. Corruption is a principle challenge. India is in a crucial phase of nation building. There's a need to fight relentlessly against corruption," he said.

Noting NDA government's achievements, the top Bharaiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said, “Government has taken several steps to make the bureaucracy more efficient, performance oriented and accountable.”

He further said that that the government will not spare anyone who is corrupt.

Citing various steps taken by his government against black money, Prime Minister Modi invoked Kautilya who had suggested confiscating of illegitimate wealth of corrupt officials.

"Governments across the world work to transform the lives of the poor and the marginalized. Dastardly acts in Paris are a grim reminder that terrorists have shown ability in funding. Funding includes smuggling of narcotics, bank robbery, vehicle robbery, and state sponsored activity in failed states," he said.

The PM acknowledged that there is governance deficit and stressed on the need to address the particular issue.

The Prime Minister also congratulated the Central Bureau of Investigation officers, who received medals on the occasion for their distinguished services.