Jaipur: Attributing the credit to the youth for the change of the guard in the state and at the Centre, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Sunday said India has got better "youth power" than China and the country will lead with it.


Due to China's family planning norms, the youth power and their representation was getting lower than Indian youths who had brought a sea change in democracy, Raje told the elected functionaries of Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad (ABVP) of state colleges and universities here at a one-day event.

The victory of ABVP candidates did not come all of a sudden, but dedication of students in last fifteen years that brought ABVP presidents in seven universities, 160 colleges, and 400 other elected students on various posts in Rajasthan, she said.

Recalling late Jai Praksh Naryan's period during which the youth had active participation in society and politics, the chief minister said the present day change in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi came due to the youths' power through ABVP, and this would be futuristic too.

"Our country will lead with youths' power that is very dedicated and honest," she said.

Raje, who returned from the Haryana Chief Minister's swearing-in ceremony this afternoon, said it was "love and confidence (belief) of the people, especially youths, in BJP and their leaders due to which every state (Haryana, Maharashstra) were taking turn around towards Modi charisma... Change is continous".

"I am sure BJP will sweep in Jharkhand as the polls are announced yesterday, and whenever polls come in Uttar Pradesh, BJP will make government," she said.

"The BJP government would provide best education to

youths, and it is working on to provide skilled jobs to 15 lakh people in next five years," Raje said.

Taking a dig at previous Congress government's policies, Raje said they (Congress ministers) left empty treasury and in a rush up move they announced to open 35 colleges some in "dharamshala" (inn) without appointing teachers.

The previous government had "tahas-nahas" (ruined) the state exchequer by useless programmes and schemes, she claimed, adding "it will take one year to bring the house in order. The state had to go under tough time, we do not have a magic wand to go faster, but I am sure in next four years the state would be prosperous".

"The youth should have patients, a big change in economy and prosperity would come in Rajasthan... First the elected representatives should bring change in their colleges," Raje said.

Referring to her recent visit to Singapore, Raje said a new university with skill development centres would be opened in the state soon for new generation youths so that they could get good jobs.

Speaking on the occasion, Sunil Bansal, Organisational General Secretary of UP BJP, called upon elected ABVP candidates to take active part in the decision-making process of varsities and colleges.

"At least one college in villages or cities be made an ideal college with a charter on running of regular classes and examinations," Bansal, who is said to be a mastermind behind holding ABVP polls for the last 15 years, said.

Among other who spoke on the occasion included ABVP state President Sunil Chaturvedi and general secretary Rajesh Gurjar. They all advised students to take up "clean India" drive in colleges and varsities.