Singapore: Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the funeral of nation's founder premier Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore on Sunday and said that people in India share Singapore's grief over the loss.


“I am visiting Singapore at a sad moment. The leadership of Lee Kuan Yew is the reason behind the transformation of Singapore in one generation,” Modi said while interacting with media.

Calling Yew as a “great thinker”, Modi said that the late leader was satisfied with the achievements of the country and confident of the future it has in store.

Talking about the relationship between the two countries, he said that he in Singapore with the condolence and prayers of people of India.

“Yew believed in India's potential more than any of us did. People of India share Singapore's grief over the loss of the founding father and leader,” Modi added.

The former Singapore Prime Minister died of severe pneumonia on March 23.

The Prime Minister will be attending the funeral of Lee today, the Spokesperson in the External Affairs Ministry said.

In his condolence message after Lee's demise, Modi had said, "A far-sighted statesman and a lion among leaders, Lee Kuan Yew's life teaches valuable lessons to everyone. News of his demise is saddening."