Delhi: Congress leader Manish Tiwari made a controversial comment on Twitter on Monday when he said that "if ISIS were to ever get a toe hold in India politics of religious polarisation leading to alienation and radicalisation would be a major cause."


Yesterday, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had said that Centre had achieved success in containing extremism, terrorism and maoist activities in the country to a large extent.

Referring to the emergence of ISIS as a new and serious danger before the world, he had said in Lucknow that the number of its activists in the country was almost nil and its biggest reason was that Indian Muslim families stop their children to adopt this path.

Singh had said that there could be the fear of ISIS anywhere else but he had complete confidence that because of the majority of people in the country having faith in Indian values it (ISIS) cannot have its influence here.

Imams in thousands took out procession against ISIS and this is an example of Indian culture in which people of all sections have total faith in the family and life values, the Union Minister had pointed out.

(With PTI inputs)