New Delhi: United States of Secretary John Kerry, who is on his fourth visit to India, will interact with students of Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi on Wednesday morning. 


Following this, Kerry is expected to visit Rajghat to pay homage to Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi. 

In the afternoon, Kerry will call on Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his official residence, 7 Racecourse Road residence. 

On Tuesday, India and the United States agreed to tackle challenges of terrorism and to strengthen the bilateral intelligence sharing mechanism. 

Addressing a joint press conference with Kerry after the conclusion of the US-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said nations must not act as sanctuaries and safe havens for terrorist organisations. 

She said she had apprised Kerry of cross-border terrorism by Pakistan and categorically said there are no good or bad terrorists. 

Sushma said Pakistan should withdraw safe havens provided to the LeT, Jaish-e-Mohammad and D-Company. 

Swaraj said she and Kerry agreed that Pakistan needs to book perpetrators of 2008 Mumbai terror attack and 2016 Pathankot airbase attack. 

She also thanked Secretary Kerry for United States`s constant support for India`s membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

Kerry said there cannot be distinction between good and bad terrorists as terror is terror no matter where it emanates from or who carries it out.Saying that Pakistan must act against terrorists in its territory, he said, U.S. will continue to support all efforts to bring the perpetrators of 2008 Mumbai and 2016 Pathankot attacks to justice.

Briefing media, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government has launched a transparent government e-market place, developed by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal.

She said both India and the United States have agreed to look at best practices exchange.U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said she will look into India`s concerns over the hike in visa fees for professionals.