New Delhi: Rejecting the allegation of adopting "big brotherly" approach towards Nepal, India on Monday said it respects its sovereignty and wants to see the neighbouring country itself resolve the present crisis through consensus as violence could have impact even on India.


External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj rubbished the charge that India was imposing a blockade of supplies even as she asserted that Narendra Modi government would follow the policy of the previous government with regard to Nepal.

Replying to a debate in Rajya Sabha on India-Nepal relations during which members expressed concern over the deterioration in ties, she said the government shares their sentiments as also the worries of Nepal which has been hit by a blockade of supplies from India due to an agitation by Madhesis over the newly-adopted Constitution.

"Still a way can be found... We are doing the same... We want to see a resolution through consensus so that supplies could be restored at the earliest," Swaraj said adding India has conveyed this the Nepal government as well as the agitating Madhesis. "We hope some solution will emerge in 5-7 days," she said.

To the allegations that India was adopting a "big brotherly" approach, the minister said, "instead, we are adopting an elderly brother's approach, a caring and sharing approach."

Rejecting the charge of interference into the neighbour's affairs, she said, "Nepal is a sovereign country and we respect its sovereignty. We are not prescriptive but only give advice."