New Delhi: Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi, whose official Twitter account was hacked on Wednesday evening, on Thursday tweeted an apt reply.


"To everyone of you haters out there: I love all of you. You're beautiful. Your hatred just doesn't let you see it yet," Rahul Gandhi said on his Twitter account @OfficeOfRG after it was restored.

Meanwhile, the official Twitter account of the Indian National Congress was hacked this morning and some messages laden with expletives and profanities were posted on it.

The Twitter account of the Congress too was restored later on. 

The Congress has, meanwhile, filed a complaint with the Cyber cell of Delhi Police on the hacking of its vice president's Twitter account.

The complaint was filed by party's chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala, demanding strict action against those behind the hacking.

Rahul Gandhi's official Twitter account was hacked at around 8.45 pm and some messages with profanities were put out, but these were deleted soon thereafter.

The hackers had also removed Rahul's profile picture and changed the account title.

The Congress said it smacked of "sinister conspiracy and reflected disturbing insecurities of prevalent fascist culture".