New Delhi: In a major blow to Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party, its MLA Akhilesh Tripathi was arrested by the Delhi Police on Thursday.


According to reports, he was arrested in connection with a 2013 riots case. The arrested AAP MLA has been sent to judicial custody.

Akhilesh Tripathi is an MLA from Delhi's Model Town constituency.

Noteworthy, Tripathi is the 5th AAP MLA arrested by police.

Earlier on Thursday, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi had apologised for a goof up in a newspaper advertisement given on the occasion of the first Constitution Day. The advertisements carried the preamble of the Constitution, but omitted 'secular' and 'socialist' words from the same.

ALSO READ: AAP govt orders probe into missing words in Preamble in advertisements 

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