New Delhi: RVS Mani, former Under Secretary ( Internal Security) in the Ministry of Home Affairs), has dismissed former SIT chief Satish Verma's denial of having tortured him in coonection with the Ishrat Jahan case.


“I am consistent on my stand since 2009. Truth has one version, RVS Mani said.

“Burnt pant is with me, ready to give it for forensic test. That's the scientific way to prove,” he added.

Mani had alleged that Verma had tortured him to force him to implicate members of the Intelligence Bureau

Yesterday, Verma had dismissed the allegations as "complete nonsense". The Gujarat cadre IPS officer said that Mani did not mention any such incident in his statement to the Home Ministry in 2013.

Verma also alleged that Mani had admitted to the CBI that the first affidavit on Ishrat Jahan case was drafted by the Intelligence Bureau.

He also claimed that Ishrat Jahan was killed in a fake encounter by Gujarat Police, adding that there is no material evidence to indicate that she was an LeT operative.