New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sambit Patra on Friday said Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav has revealed his frustration by describing BJP president Amit Shah as a "man eater". He said both the RJD and the JD-U were bereft of both ideas and vision for Bihar.


"Such words from Laluji only shows that there is a sense of frustration in the RJD and JD-U camps. And since they are bereft of any kind of vision for Bihar, they are mentioning all kind of things, some of which should not even be uttered. It shows their frustration," Patra told ANI.

"It is really appalling that he is using words like "man eater and murderer", and, we are reminded of the fact that what happened to the Congress, when out of frustration, Soniaji has used the word "Maut ka Saudagar" against Narendra Modi," he added.

Lalu Prasad on Thursday called Amit Shah a "narbhakshi" (man eater) a day after the latter had charged Prasad with stealing animal fodder.

It marked an escalation in the war of words between the two, who are caught in a bitter political power struggle in Bihar.