Srinagar: An All Party Meeting called to discuss the unrest in Kashmir Valley on Thursday favoured "inclusive engagement of all the stakeholders" to carry forward the process of peace and reconciliation in Jammu and Kashmir.


The marathon five-hour-long meeting also called for a national initiative to address problems confronting the state even as the main opposition National Conference boycotted it. The NC termed its outcome as a mere "eyewash", saying nothing was achieved to bring relief for civilians in the state.

After the meeting, which was convened by state Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, a statement was released to the media which said the prevailing law and order situation in Kashmir Valley was discussed.

During the meeting, Mehbooba said the Centre shall have to take all the stakeholders on board as part of a politically-inclusive agenda to address the problems confronting the state and also suggested there was a need for reviving the dialogue process with Pakistan.

An official spokesman said the meeting took note of the empathy and sense of solidarity with the people of J&K reflected during the debate on the prevailing situation in the State in both Houses of Parliament.

"The meeting calls for converting this political consensus into a national initiative for addressing the problems confronting Jammu and Kashmir and its people," he said, adding the meeting called for "inclusive engagement of all the stakeholders" in Jammu and Kashmir for carrying forward the peace and reconciliation process in the State

Mehbooba expressed dismay over the non-participation of the NC at the meeting and said "I had spoken to NC working president, Omar Abdullah, myself last evening and requested him to attend the meeting," a statement denied by the National Conference.

National Conference spokesman denied that the Chief Minister had spoken to its working President and said "it is yet another lie in the cap of the state government".

The National Conference, which had rejected the offer for participation in the meeting citing lack of "credible" leadership of the state government, also said that the "marathon meet had produced nothing."

"It is on their agenda of alliance that talks with all stakeholders including Pakistan and Hurriyat should be held. So we want to know what have they done in this connection for last two years," the NC spokesman said.

Today, the state government is again knocking on the doors of New Delhi and the most astonishing fact is that the state Chief Minister, who chairs the Unified Command, is not able to pass an order for stopping the use of pellet guns and has conveniently passed it on to Union Home Minister.

"Our decision not to attend the meeting was absolutely right as the meeting was yet another eyewash by the present indecisive government," the spokesman said.

The meeting expressed deep grief and concern over the loss of life and injuries caused during the law and order situation prevailing in the Valley since July 8 -- the day when Hizbul Mujahideen militant commander Burhan Wani was killed. The unrest has claimed 43 lives and injured over 3,400 others.