Bangalore: Kerala-based PDP Chairman and 2008 serial bomb blast case prime accused Abdul Nasser Madani, granted bail by the Supreme Court on medical grounds, on Monday walked free from the Parapanna Agrahara Prison here. Madani was on July 11 granted one-month bail by the apex court which took note that he was an under-trial prisoner and had already been behind the bars for the last four years and was suffering from various ailments, including diabetes. Speaking to reporters outside the prison, Madani thanked God for getting him one-month bail as he was suffering from various ailments. "They arrested me when I was fasting. I am out when I am fasting. Thankful to God," he said adding he would take treatment in two hospitals. Replying to a question, he said he would obey the Supreme Court order and not influence witnesses. He also said he was confident of getting his name cleared. "Yes, yes, yes (I am confident about that)," he said. Karnataka government had opposed the bail and said it was ready to make all arrangements required for his treatment inside the jail premises. The court had said that Madani will not leave Bangalore and the government is at liberty to take all steps, including putting him under surveillance, to ensure he does not get in touch with witnesses in the case. Madani was listed as the 31st accused in an additional chargesheet filed by the police after confessions by suspected Lashkar-e-Taiba operative T Nazir linking him to the Bangalore blasts that left one person dead and 20 others injured.