Zee Media Bureau/Deepak Nagpal New Delhi: The Lok Sabha was adjourned till 4:30 pm on Tuesday after MPs of the BJP and TMC came to blows in the Lower House, reports said. TMC MPs claimed that BJP members threatened them when they were protesting inside the Lok Sabha. “BJP MPs threatened us and badly abused our women MPs,” TMC`s Kalyan Banerjee said. “We were peacefully protesting inside the Lok Sabha. One drunk BJP MP along with others came and threatened and abused us,” said another TMC MP Kakoli Ghosh, explaining the turn of events. “Two BJP MPs abused and threatened to attack us, I am sure they were drunk,” TMC`s Shatabdi Roy said. However, BJP leader Jagdambika Pal rejected claims of BJP-TMC scuffle. “This is drama. Rail Budget was being presented and TMC workers were raising slogans against PM,” Jagdambika Pal said.