Zee Media Bureau/Deepak Nagpal New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal is unwell and has cancelled all his planned rallies in Maharashtra`s Vidarbha on Thursday. But, as per reports, he will go ahead with the fund-raiser event at Nagpur this evening. Each person seeking to attend the dinner with Kejriwal at a luxury hotel in the city will have to shell out Rs 10,000. The party believes 150-200 people could attend the fund-raising dinner. Party sources said the AAP chief could hold his rally scheduled in Nagpur tomorrow. Kejriwal started his three-day Maharashtra tour yesterday with a ride on a local train that was marked by chaos and vandalism amid complaints of discomfort to commuters. AAP workers were accused of vandalising station property after metal detectors were damaged during the chaos at the Churchgate station where Kejriwal rode by train from Andheri. There was chaos at Churchgate station on Kejriwal`s arrival. The AAP leader earlier took an auto-rickshaw ride.