Somnath (Gujarat): Bharatiya Janata Party prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Saturday said he would like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to ask the Pakistan Government to release the body of a dead Indian fisherman and hand it back to his family for last rites. "12-year-old Bhavika has written a letter to the PM, her father died in a Pakistani jail. He was a fisherman and was arrested by the Pakistan Government and died in a jail there, but the body still has not been handed over," said Modi. "Her mother has passed away, and it has been three months, and they have still not given his body back only because the girl had asked the reason for his death," he said. "Neither the Delhi government nor the Pakistan Government have any answers. I request the PM to intervene in this matter," he added. He further said that Somnath is a new district and had been formed for the better progress of the state of Gujarat. "Somnath is a new district. Earlier it was a part of Junagarh District, but for progress, it is important to have new developments in the arrangement of places," said Modi. "Organization and development help a place progress easily and quickly. I hope that this district is able to progress a lot, especially in the tourism department," he said. "Although, Somnath District is already reaching new heights in terms of development," he added. "I am very thankful to Sardar Patel for everything that he did. If there was no Sardar Patel, would we have Somnath with us? Would we have had such a beautiful temple?" he asked. "Who would have imagined that the Somnath Temple would once again have gold? I am sure this would have made K M Munshi and Sardar Patel very happy," he said. He also stressed on the importance of empowering fishermen. "Along with coasts, our fishermen need to be empowered. A fisherman, Chunibhai Gohil, will now be in the Rajya Sabha from Gujarat. It is a matter of great pride," he added.