Zee Media Bureau
New Delhi: The Goa police team on Sunday returned back without contacting the Tehelka magazine editor, Tarun Tejpal, who is allegedly involved in a sexual assault case.
Tejpal is accused of sexually assaulting a junior colleague in a five-star hotel here earlier this month, an official said.
"We have not established contact with Tarun Tejpal yet," Deputy Inspector General of Police OP Mishra said at a press conference at the police headquarters here.
Meanwhile, Tehelka Managing Editor Shoma Chaudhary, who was questioned for nine hours by the Goa Police team in connection with the case has said that she "fully cooperated" with the police and hoped it will bring "clarity and justice" to the case.
"Yesterday, at the Tehelka office, the Goa Police took my deposition for about 9 hours, it was extremely courteous experience and I fully cooperated and showed every document that was relevant, every email exchange that was there between my colleagues, the management, it was shared, it was a good experience and I hope it helps bring clarity and justice to the entire case," Chaudhary said.
The National Commission for Women(NCW) had also asked the Mumbai police today to provide security to the young woman journalist who was sexually assaulted a day after the victim had alleged yesterday that she was being pressurised in the case. In a statement, she had said yesterday that a person close to Tarun Tejpal had met her family and wanted to know what legal actions they were planning to take in the case.
The relative also wanted to know what the victim and her family `wanted` in return to take back the case.
The female journalist added, "This visit has placed tremendous emotional pressure on my family and I at an intensely traumatic time. I fear this may be the beginning of a period of further intimidation and harassment."

NCW member Nirmala Samant said that the Mumbai police have assured that security cover will be given if the victim approaches them.
Meanwhile, Tejpal is reportedly likely to approach High Court seeking a change in the investigating agency and transfer of the case from Goa police to a central agency. The Goa police recorded the statements of three other Tehelka employees today who were informed about the incident by the victim after it took place. The statements of the witnesses were recorded at Goa Sadan in the national capital.


The statements corroborated with the series of events that the victim had stated, as per news reports.

The names of the three colleagues have also been mentioned in the complaint made to the magazine`s managing editor Shoma Chaudhary.

The police also questioned Choudhary for around nine hours today. "It was a good experience. I hope to bring clarity and justice to the case," Choudhary reportedly said.

The police team along with Delhi police officials arrived in Delhi yesterday and questioned Chaudhury at the Tehelka office premises. They scrutinised documents, including on the laptop and iPad of the managing editor and asked her to submit a written statement on the issue.

They took possession of the e-mails which were circulated between her, Tejpal, the victim and her friends as evidence, according to Goa Police sources.

Meanwhile, the victim on Saturday revealed for the first time that she was being pressurised in the case.

The victim, in her complaint to Chaudhury had said that Tejpal had sexually assaulted her twice in the elevator in the Club House section of the Grand Hyatt five star resort during the high-profile ThinkFest conference on November 7-8.

The victim is daughter of a former colleague of Tejpal, who has recused himself from his post as editor after being accused of sexual assault by the victim.