Zee Media Bureau
New Delhi: In what can bring in more trouble for Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, news portal Gulail is expected to release more audio tapes on the alleged snoopgate row.
The new tapes are sure to provide fresh ammunition to the Congress to hit at the Bharatiya Janata Party`s PM candidate.
This come after, news portals Cobrapost and Guklail on November 25 had claimed that the Gujarat state government had subjected a young woman to illegal surveillance, has now uploaded a photograph of BJP`s PM candidate Modi with the architect, who had come from Bangalore.
According to the expose, the woman`s movements and her conversations were being covered by the Gujarat "state Intelligence Bureau, the Crime Branch and the Anti-Terrorist Squad in August 2009 on oral orders, without any valid legal authorisation, and was meant only to serve the interests of someone whom Amit Shah, addressed as `saheb`."  The website also uploaded more pictures to establish Modi`s presence at the first edition of `Kutch Sharad Utsav` in October 2005. Out of a dozen, one picture shows a smiling Modi engaged in animated conversation with IAS officer Pradeep Sharma and the woman with her face blurred. 
Gujarat IPS officer GL Singhal, who is an accused in the Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case (Ishrat was killed, along with three others, by Gujarat Police in 2004) and out on bail, has handed over hundreds of recorded telephonic conversations to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) revealing the details of the tailing of the young woman.  Singhal, according to the report, has told the CBI that the surveillance was illegal and was carried out only on the oral instructions of Shah.