Johannesburg: As part of the `Drive Me-self-driving cars for sustainable mobility` Sweden is set to welcome 100 self-driving Volvos in the world`s first large-scale autonomous driving project.

The project has been endorsed by the Swedish government and aims to determine the societal benefits of autonomous driving. According to News24, the project that will begin in 2014, will use about 50km of roads, typical commuter arteries and freeways, and the first cars are expected to be on the roads in Gothenburg by 2017.


Volvo technical specialist Erik Coelingh said that the aim is for the cars to be able to handle all possible traffic scenarios by themselves, including leaving the traffic flow and finding a safe `harbour` if the driver is for any reason unable to regain control. The Drive Me project will focus on a number of areas such as how autonomous vehicles bring societal and economic benefits by improving traffic efficiency and road safety, the infrastructural requirements for such driving and customer confidence in autonomous vehicles.

The report said that the project will see the cars complete a number of tasks such as automated parking , without a driver present.