Islamabad: The Opposition in Pakistan has red-flagged the Indo-Pak joint statement by alleging that it heavily favours India at the cost of Islamabad's stance on the Kashmir issue.


Shireen Mazari of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) said, “While the statement categorically addressed Indian concerns over the Mumbai trial, what about Samjhauta Express case and Kashmir cause which the government recently took up at the United Nations and kept on boasting about taking such a bold stand.”

Quoting from the joint statement that "the Indian side was assured of the steps being taken to expedite the early conclusion of the Mumbai attack trial," she sought clarification about the difference between "composite" and "comprehensive" bilateral dialogue.

Chief of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) Maulana Fazlur Rehman was also of the view that such statements warranted a clarification from the government side because apparently it didn't explain what actually transpired during the talks.

"When Pakistan highlights the issue of Kashmir at the UN under its resolution, India says it's a bilateral issue which requires no international forum. At the bilateral level, the Indian argument has been that Kashmir is its integral part. Then somebody must explain to this house at what level the government intends to take it up with India," he said.