Chennai: Tamil Nadu Governer Vidyasagar Rao visited ailing chief minister Jayalalithaa at the Apollo Hospital here on Saturday, where he was briefed about the treatment given to her and was informed that she was interacting now and responding to treatment remarkably.


Apollo Hospitals Chairman Dr. Reddy said that Jayalalithaa is being treated by a team of experts consisting of doctors from Critical Care Group, Senior Cardiologist, Senior Respiratory Physician, Senior Consultant, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinologist, Diabetologist, and dieticians. 

He further informed that the Chief Minister continues to be under treatment and observation for all vital parameters, respiratory support, and passive physiotherapy.

The AIADMK on Thursday had said that its ailing leader was "completely well" and will return home soon.Jayalalithaa has been kept under the close observation of a specialist from London, besides three-member team of doctors from AIIMS, Delhi.Earlier, the Madras High Court dismissed another PIL in connection with the health of Jayalalithaa, saying that it was `one more publicity interest litigation`.

"We completely fail to understand the intervention sought to be made by the petitioner in the matter of this nature and it is for the people concerned to determine the nature of treatment. It is one more publicity interest litigation," the court said.

Jayalalithaa was admitted to Apollo Hospital on September 22 after she complained of fever and dehydration.