Kabul: The Afghan presidential election will be held in 2014 in accordance with the country`s constitution, President Hamid Karzai said Thursday, denying reports that foreign troops` withdrawal and insecurity will suspend the poll.

"I am convinced and the government as well as the people of Afghanistan are firmly determined to hold the presidential election in 2014 in accordance with the constitution and that no motives, no reasons, no security incidents and no foreign misinformation will put back the arrangements to hold the election on time," Karzai told reporters at a press conference in his fortified palace here. President Karzai took over as the first elected president of Afghanistan in December 2004 for a five-year term and his second five-year term as elected president began in November 2009, reported Xinhua.

The ultimate goal of the international forces in Afghanistan is to transfer security responsibility to the Afghan forces by 2014.