Washington: Favouring monarchy over democracy, an American citizen has written a letter to Queen Elizabeth II, pressing her to reinstate her control over the United States.


Frustrated with the current field of presidential candidates in the US, the American has urged the Queen to include US into the colonies of the United Kingdom.

“On behalf of the American people, I urgently implore you to take us back. Clearly, the options we have to lead us aren’t up to par. Again, please, I beg of you, make the United States of America a colony of the United Kingdom,” The Independent quoted the excerpts of the letter.

“For further reasons as to why this is such a necessary, albeit drastic, step, I refer to tonight’s Republican Party Primary debate. Thank you. God save The Queen,” he added in the letter.

The letter was sent on 16 September, when 11 front-runners for the Republican Presidential nomination had gone head-to-head for three hours on CNN.

Unexpected to all, the office of Britain's longest-serving monarch has responded to the letter, stating that there can no question the Queen intervening in the affairs of another sovereign state.