Copenhagen: Anker Joergensen, a former prime minister loved by many Danes for his down-to-earth character but criticized for his handling of economic problems in the 1970s and '80s, has died. He was 93.


Joergensen's Social Democrats announced Joergensen's death in a statement today. It didn't give the date or cause of death.

Joergensen led Danish governments in 1972-1973 and 1975-1982, a time when Denmark was marred by political turmoil and economic problems.

He drew criticism from Washington for opposing the U.S. engagement in Vietnam and calling for diplomatic ties with communist East Germany. He also provoked Israel's ire by supporting the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Joergensen lived in a small apartment in Copenhagen instead of the prime minister's official residence.

His wife, Ingrid, died in 1997.