London: A TV documentary team has revealed that Adolf Hitler owed 400,000 marks in back tax, which is worth 1.75 million pounds now.
The leader of the Nazi Party had numerous money-making schemes and even copyrighted his own image, which earned him royalties for every stamp sold that featured his face, the Mirror reported. According to Channel 5`s program `The Hunt for Hitler`s Missing Millions` much of this was hidden from Germany`s tax authorities after his rise to power, even his Income included cash for speeches and public appearances.
A will he signed hours before he shot himself in a Berlin bunker in April 1945 hid the fact he was a billionaire. Dr Chris Whetton, in his book `Hitler`s Fortune` estimated that the dictator`s wealth at its peak was likely to have been 1.1 billion reichsmarks, which are 3.6billion pounds today.
Hitler kept a fortune stashed in bank accounts that were controlled by business manager Max Amann and these are not mentioned in his will. Amann died in 1957 taking the secret of Hitler`s money to his grave.