Lahore: Britain has expressed serious concern over the growing tension between India and Pakistan in the wake of Uri terror attack, asking both nuclear powers to ease it off.


"Britain wants easing of tension between Pakistan and India as it is concerned over the current situation (in the wake of Uri attack)," British High Commissioner in Pakistan Thomas Drew said Saturday.

Drew met Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif here and discussed matters of mutual interest, promotion of bilateral relations and the situation in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

According to a release issued by the Punjab government, the British High Commissioner said, "Like other countries, Britain also wants easing of tension between Pakistan and India. Britain is concerned over the tension between the two countries. It is against violation of human rights anywhere in the world".

He said Pakistan's political leadership is showing a responsible attitude in the current situation.

Drew said Shahbaz Sharif was the first foreign leader who telephoned Teresa May on her nomination as the Prime Minister of Britian and conveyed good wishes for her.

"British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to visit Pakistan next year," he said.

Sharif said Britain should play its role in resolution of the Kashmir issue in the light of UN resolutions and aspirations of Kashmiri people.

He said Pakistan is a peaceful country and wants durable peace in the region.