Washington: Hillary Clinton on Friday released her tax return for last year and criticized her opponent Donald Trump for failing to honor this tradition among American politicians running for president.


Clinton and her husband Bill, the former president, reported $10.6 million in income for 2015. They paid $3.6 million in federal income tax, according to the document, which was posted on the Democratic presidential candidate`s web page.

Over the course of their careers the Clintons have published all of their tax returns since 1977. Democrats repeatedly point to this as evidence of transparency on the part of the power couple.

Clinton`s running mate Tim Kaine also released his returns for the past 10 years on Friday.

But the billionaire Trump has declined to release his, arguing that his tax returns for the past several years are being audited.

"Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promises to release his tax returns," Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri said. "What is he trying to hide?"

The Clintons` main sources of income were Mr Clinton`s paid speeches, to the tune of $5.2 million, and a payment to Hillary Clinton from the publisher of her last book, Simon & Schuster, for three million dollars.

Hillary Clinton gave dozens of paid speeches in 2013, 2014 and 2015 but gave this up before launching her candidacy for the White House in April 2015.

The Clintons also donated a million dollars to the non-profit foundation that bears their name.

The Republican and Democratic candidates in the last nine presidential elections -- since Ronald Reagan in 1980 -- have released tax returns at least for the previous year, according to Politifact.

Most released their returns for several years, such as Bob Dole en 1996. He did so for the previous 29 years, according to the Washington Post.

In 2012, Mitt Romney released two years` worth of tax returns.

Trump presented the Federal Election Commission with a mandatory personal financial disclosure form in May and says this is enough.

That document gave only an estimate of Trump`s assets, liabilities and income.

Trump has said he is worth more than $10 billion, but no one has been able to confirm this independently. Forbes magazine estimates Trump is worth less than half that -- $4.5 billion.

Democrats suspect Trump is holding back because his tax return might show he earns less than what he says, pays little or no tax, or gives a negligible amount to charity.