London: Hours after the Islamic State released a barbaric video showing the beheading of ex-British soldier and humanitarian aid worker David Haines, the UK Foreign office posted a statement in the honour of the slain Briton, on behalf of his family.


In the statement, David's brother Mike Haines remembers him as ''just another bloke'', who loved working in the humanitarian field and was quiet enthusiastic about it.

Writing about his 44-year-old brother, Mike reminisces his happy childhood days with brother David, recollecting how as children, their lives were centred around their family, ''holidaying in caravans and tents''.

Calling David ''a good brother'', and “a stubborn irritating pain in the ass” sometimes, Mike goes on to narrate the slain aid worker's life story in brief.

According to his brother Mike, David started working with the Royal Mail, before joining the British Royal air Force as an aircraft engineer.

David then ventured into the realm of humanitarian aid work, with his stint with the UN in Balkans. According to Mike, it was here that David realised it was his true calling and went on to serve people “regardless of race, creed or religion”.

Mike states how David “was most alive and enthusiastic in his humanitarian roles”.

“His joy and anticipation for the work he went to do in Syria is for myself and family the most important element of this whole sad affair,” Mike adds.

Mike concludes the statement by saying how “David is loved by all his family and will be missed terribly”.

David Haines, a British aid worker, who has been slain by a British-accented IS extremist, went missing in Syria in 2013. He is survived by his two wives, Luoise and Dragana and two daughters, Bethany and Athea, one from each wife.


Here is the full text of Mike Haines's statement as posted by the UK Foreign Office, according to the BBC.


“My name is Mike Haines, I am brother to David Haines, who was recently murdered in cold blood.

David was like so very many of us, just another bloke. Born in 1970 to parents who loved us both, our childhood was centred around our family.

Holidays in caravans and tents, days away as a family which we remember fondly. David and I were brought up to know right from wrong, although we might not with the innocence of youth have always chosen right.

David was a good brother, there when I needed him and absent when I didn't. I hope that he felt the same way about me.

He was, in the right mood, the life and soul of the party and on other times the most stubborn irritating pain in the ass. He would probably say the same about me.

After leaving school he worked with the Royal Mail before joining the RAF as an aircraft engineer. He married his childhood sweetheart Louise and in the due process of time had a wee lass Bethany.

He was - and no doubt wherever he is - exceptionally proud of Bethany.

David served with the UN in the Balkans, helping people in real need. There are many accolades from people in that region that David helped. He helped whoever needed help, regardless of race, creed or religion.

During this time David began to decide that humanitarian work was the field he wanted to work in.

David left the RAF and was employed by Scotrail. As with every job, David entered into it with enthusiasm. David met and married his second wife Dragana and they have a four year old daughter Athea.

David was most alive and enthusiastic in his humanitarian roles. His joy and anticipation for the work he went to do in Syria is for myself and family the most important element of this whole sad affair.

He was and is loved by all his family and will be missed terribly.”