Washington: Pitching for a good relationship with China and Russia, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that it would be nice for the US to get along with China and Russia, as he slammed Hillary Clinton for having bad relationship with Vladimir Putin.


"As far as I'm concerned, I want to get along with China. Wouldn't it be great if we got along with Russia? Wouldn't that be great?," Trump yesterday said at an election rally in Ashburn, Virginia, a suburb of Washington DC.

Seeing a potential partner in Russia in wiping out the Islamic State terror group, Trump said, "If we actually had a relationship with Russia, instead of all the fighting and the problems, we could get Russia and others to partner up against ISIS."

Having not seen any good done by the existing set of experts in the current global situation, Trump said he won't take advice from anyone.

"Hillary Clinton will be worse. She has bad relationships with people like Putin. I'll give you an example. She has terrible relationships with Putin. This is a nuclear country we're talking about. Russia, strong nuclear country," he said.

He further said that he wants tough people and Clinton is not tough.

"I know tough people, she's not tough. I mean she's doing the handlers, they push her from place to place that's all it is."

"She wants to play the role of the tough guy against Putin She should be tough on trade. Because right now we are being ripped off on trade like nobody has ever ripped us off in history. You look at our trade deficits with China," he said.

On Barack Obama supporting Clinton for the Presidential race, Trump reminded people of the things Obama said about Clinton said years ago.

"Eight years ago Barack Obama said things about her that were so bad, and today I just said, do me a favor look them up because I remember how bad. Now all of a sudden he's supporting her," he said.
The 70-year-old White House hopeful warned the people about Clinton's plans to keep Obamacare, which he said will lead to "people pouring into our country".

"Look it's a hope, because she's going to keep Obamacare, She's going to let the Syrian refugees come in and we don't know if they're ISIS, we have no idea," he said.