Washington: Former US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has reportedly said that she will begin to `seriously think` about running for the presidential bid next year.
Clinton said that she wants to think about it because it is something on a lot of people`s mind and she wants to think about it more broadly.
According to Politico, Clinton gave the statement at a lunch with business and political leaders.
Clinton`s supporter and former state Democratic Party chairman Jay Jacobs , who attended the luncheon said that her message was clear that she is roughly a year out from a decision.
Jacobs said that what Clinton emphasized was that how someone or anyone who`s elected would govern in the future and the discussion of `who is going to be next` is damaging to the country.
She said that people have been elected to do a job and so they must govern now. Jacobs added that there is a year more to go for the 2016 elections and that`s the time Clinton is going to begin about the presidential bid.