London: A human rights group has claimed that every man in an Iranian village has been executed for drugs offences.


Citing the country's vice president for women and family affairs Shahindokht Molaverdi, the group claimed that men from Sistan and Baluchestan were killed.

“We have a village in Sistan and Baluchestan where every single man has been executed. The children (of these men) are potential drug traffickers,” the MailOnline quoted her as saying.

However, the report it's unclear if the men were executed at the same time or if they have been killed separately over a period of time.

Nearly two thirds of all hangings in Iran relate to alleged drugs offences.

The Sistan and Baluchistan province borders Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“The apparent hanging of every man in one Iranian village demonstrates the astonishing scale of Iran's execution spree.

“These executions – often based on juvenile arrests, torture, and unfair or nonexistent trials – show total contempt for the rule of law, and it is shameful that the UN and its funders are supporting the police forces responsible,” the Mail quoted Maya Foa, the head of the death penalty team at Reprieve, a rights group, as saying.