Pyong Yang: Democratic People`s Republic of North Korea has warned of military attack on Seoul`s presidential palace unless South Korean President Park Geun-hye apologises for `treason` and publicly executes officials responsible for what Pyongyang says are plans to attack its leadership.


The warning is the latest in a barrage of threats against Washington and Seoul over joint military drills now underway that the North sees as a dress rehearsal for invasion, reports Guardian.

It also came shortly after a North Korean propaganda outlet posted a video depicting a nuclear attack on Washington DC.

The joint military exercises are held annually but tensions are particularly high this year because the drills are bigger than ever and come on the heels of North Korea`s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

The warning said the South Korean presidential palace is within striking range of the North`s artillery units and that if an order to attack is made then it is `just a click away`.

North Korea is believed to have artillery capable of striking Seoul with little or no warning and causing severe damage and casualties in the city of ten million.

A strike on Seoul, however, is highly unlikely and Pyongyang has previously issued similar threats without following through. There were few signs on Saturday of the heightened tensions in Pyongyang, where the residents went about their daily routines as usual.