Washington: In what appears to be a message directed at Western nations, warning them against the military intervention in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State has released a new video featuring British hostage John Cantlie, using him as a speaker to explain the extremist group's invincible power.


In the 5-minute video, British hostage John Cantlie is seen ridiculing the foreign military intervention against the Islamic State, saying how the Western nations were underestimating the power of the ISIS.

"Not since Vietnam have we witnessed such a potential mess in the making. Current estimates of 15,000 troops needed to fight the Islamic State are laughably low”, said Cantlie, reported the SITE intelligence group in a tweet posted a tweet by its co-founder Rita Katz.

The Briton goes on to add more on how powerful the ISIS is as a jihadist group adding that US couldn't harm the group much and President Barack Obama was dragging America in another unwinnable war, just like George Bush did in Afghan and Iraq war.

"The president once called George Bush`s Iraq conflict a "dumb war," and couldn`t wait to distance America from it when he came into power. Now he`s being inextricably drawn back in," the SITE quoted Cantlie as saying.

Speaking more about the Islamic State's might, the Briton describes it as the "most powerful jihadist movement seen in recent history", saying it has got a stronger army of much more mujahideens, and it should not be mistaken fpr “some undisciplined outfit with a few Kalashnikovs”.

The latest video comes as the first episode of a new series featuring John Cantlie as the speaker.

The British hostage had first appeared in a video released last week, which showed him seated at a desk in orange jumpsuit, accusing the UK and US governments of having abandoned him and his co-prisoners.

In the video message titled - 'Lend Me Your Ears', Cantlie had talked about his forthcoming videos that will explain “the truth behind the systems and motivation of the Islamic State”, exposing the lies and manipulations engineered by the Western media.

He had talked about explaining "some facts that you can verify" about Islamic State, saying, “Over the next few programs, I'm going to show you the truth as the western the media tries to drag the world back to a the abyss of a war with the Islamic State”.

The Islamic State which has established an Islamic Caliphate across occupied parts of Iraq and Syria, has already beheaded three Westerners - two US journalists and a Briton aid worker - has now threatened to kill another Briton Alan Henning.

The US has formed an anti-IS coalition, successfully roping in dozens of other nations including Arab States like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc and began pounding the extremist targets in Syria today.

The latest video, is apparently shot ahead of the US strikes, as there is no mention o0f the same.